Advanced Health Plan Subrogation

A well-run subrogation program should yield results of over 1% of your total claims per year. As large claims can take up to six years to settle, achieving 1% takes excellent identification as well as long-term legal follow-up.

Do you have the resources and technology to accurately identify original claims and to maximize the ongoing return of your subrogation dollars?

Vengroff Williams is a best-in-class in health plan subrogation outsourcing services provider. We get results. See for yourself how we can improve your company’s bottom line.

Unlike your company’s insurance carrier, health plan subrogation is our sole focus. Since 1994, Vengroff Williams’s subrogation division has guided companies through the complexities of administering loss recovery plans.

Whereas your insurance carrier might help you collect on medical claims alone, Vengroff Williams offers comprehensive plans that coordinate all aspect of health plan subrogation – from initial claims and pharmacy benefits to workers’ compensation and short-term disability and more. We presently accept claim files from Cigna, United Healthcare, Blue Cross, WellPoint and Aetna, all of whom use outside agencies to handle your subro claims. We also receive and coordinate disability and pharmacy benefits to include those payouts in one single recovery settlement.

The Vengroff Williams Difference: Results.

With Vengroff Williams as your health plan subrogation partner, we handle all your subrogation claims under one partnership and provide a uniform application of subrogation provisions to all employees. This reduces the liability of the company and ensures that all subrogation claims will be identified, negotiated and recovered by a competent staff of attorneys and paralegals strictly dedicated to this function.

Additionally, we provide counsel on plan language and design to keep your rights of recovery current, with the developing legal climate and the Federal ERISA provisions that typically control self-funded medical plans.

Vengroff Williams’s services include:

  • Data recovery from one or more of your administrators
  • Investigation of all health claims for third-party liability
  • Overpayment recoveries
  • In-house attorneys to negotiate settlements
  • Notification of all involved parties of your corporate rights of recovery
  • Review of your corporate health plan language annually for compliance with the most recent ERISA case law and to achieve maximum recovery potential
Vengroff Williams offers the same levels of service for Medicare/Medicaid HMOs, TPAs and insurance groups.